Strategic Transformation Enterprise Planning System

Our Service Scope

Customized Solutions

Some specific Industries has their Business Requirements, which can be fulfilled by embedding Technologies other than ERP/CRM, like AI, ML, IoT, etc., In order to have these Solutions, our Customers can involve our collaborators who are having a diverse profile and experience that is highly suitable for dedicated and customized solutions.

ERP Solutions

While we deliver our high-quality services and solutions, we also think beyond out-of-box and develop some innovative solutions, in the form of pre-assessment, digital transformation road maps and customizations. These initiatives provide a generic platform for most of the industries. Our ERP implementation and scale-up services are in a continuous innovation cycle. 

What is Transformation Audit?

A comprehensive analysis of existing system to develop a detail blueprint for the desired digital ecosystem. It provides minimal risk, accurate costing and the minute details of change management.


Process re-engineering & requirements phase allows for business processes to be re-engineered and streamlined for technology adoption.


Process re-engineering & requirements phase allows for business processes to be re-engineered and streamlined for technology adoption.

Transformation Roadmap

Process re-engineering & requirements phase allows for business processes to be re-engineered and streamlined for technology adoption.

ERP Implementation



Our foremost effort is to engage the client in defining and identification of system specifications to ensure a robust foundation for the system. 



Our planning phase is outcome focused, a design that can fit to achieve digital transformation in a coherent and holistic manner without isolating any stakeholder.



The technical phase of deployment to manage integrations is easy, real deployment is change management.


Our Philosophy

Work in collaboration with client for long-term mutual benefits, performance optimization, human resource development & on-time scale-up.

Scale-up Consultancy

Scaling-up in terms of logical structures or process re-engineering, we provide the services to ensure a cost-effective, robust and performance based system.



Objective analysis of the need and outcomes for the scale-up exercise. Performance, cost and sustenance are vital parameters which we consider to deliver an optimal solution to our client.

Transition Design

Catering existing assets and engaging new codes, techniques and machines for the scale-up along with change management for human resource - We develop a carefully crafted transition design to ensure the success.


Developing the bridges, integration and relationship models for the scale-up exercise and deploying the structural and functional system in close collaboration with our client for a continuous feedback and evaluation.

Your Questions?

For your queries related to our services, please leave your contact here and our representative will get back to you with desired information. We always appreciate your questions, feedback and comments.

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